Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Easter 2009 Purchase(s)

The new/old Suburban story...the day before Easter I got a call from my friend Shyra. She says over paying insurance on her 2001 Suburban that just sits in her driveway. My first instinct is, "wow" this would be such a great car for our family trips! But, then I thought..."ughhh" Dave would not be happy...Dave Ramsey that is. She preceeded with the details and the deal was such a good deal. But, I kept my cool (no excitement) about it and told her I would let Jamie know. As soon as I walked in the door I told Jamie about it and he said "call her, tell her we will pick it up tomorrow!". We knew it needed a new bumper and grill, she had hit a deer...but the deal was so good that didn't matter. So on Sunday after PawPaw and MeeMee's house we went to Shyra's. I don't know who was more excited...Jamie or the girls. The fact that it has a video system in it for the girls and the fact that it has some special towing capability for Jamie!

If you looked closely to the title of this post you may have noticed the (s) added to the end of purchase. Well, while we were there I went inside to see Shyra's new bedroom suit. We walked past her yardsale pile and I asked her whatever happened to all of Anna's American Girl stuff? Let me back up just a bit...this American Girl craze has not hit our house. Peyton is not one to play with dolls, she's more of a DS, Wii, computer, bicycle kinda girl. Piper loves babies, but didn't know about American Girls. Peyton did ask a couple of months ago about one, but only because a friend of her's that she knows at school has one. I told her she could buy a bunch of DS games for the price of one doll and that's all it took, she was off that subject. Well the Friday before Easter they went to our neighbor's birthday party and low and behold...she got an American Girl. So now both of them are wanting one! UGHHHH! So back to my question for Shyra, whatever happened to Anna's American Girl dolls? She wants to sell them on ebay! Let's go check them out! So off we went upstairs to the attic, and there they were...a Samantha, a Nellie, bitty baby twins (brown hair), a twin stroller, a bitty baby suitcase and a full size comforter bag full of clothes and accessories. She said just give Anna some money for it and you can have it all.....I told her I had no idea what to offer her for it all and she said, $100.00, yes that's right, $100.00 for every bit of it! I couldnt' believe it! How could I say no? So we drug it all downstairs and gave it to the girls! Peyton took Samantha and the boy twin and Piper took Nellie and the girl twin. It was Christmas on Easter! hahaha

So that's the story of our Easter 2009 Purchase(s). I'll post pictures as soon as I take some!

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

WOW!! I am sooo excited for your "new" ride...that's awesome!!

I love having friends that have cars and houses (Michele)! And are willing to give their "sisters" good deals!

I wanna throw-up over the AG stuff!!! WOW!! That's just too cool!