Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Great Weekend

Oh how I love the weather we are having! I sit by a bunch of windows at work and I can very easily be distracted by just gazing out. I love all the leaves on the trees and the green grass, the flowers pushing up through the ground. I even can say I don't mind the pollen, because we need it to have all this green.

We added to the beauty this weekend...Friday I went to Home Depot and bought 3 buckets of knock-out roses and my lovely hubby planted them for me. They are gorgeous! I wanted some all last year, but just never bought any. We really need to do alot more in our yard, but it can be so stinkin' expensive. So a little at a time is what we have decided to do.

We also had an awesome weekend full of outside activities. The girls finally talked Jamie into getting the inflatable waterslide out and they played on it all weekend. Peyton swam with the girls next door, 72 degree water...but they didn't care! We had an awesome sermon on the importance of "church" and then it was back outside. Oh how I dream of an inground pool. We would so be the family that really used theirs. My girls are little water bugs.

Project Suburban is almost done. Jamie has installed a new water heater and a new front bumper. Just a tad bit more and she'll be road worthy. I can't wait! I don't know who is more excited, me or the girls?!


Tiffani said...

an inflatable water slide?? my kids would be in heaven!!

I know you're gonna love your new ride!

Michele said...

I love being outside too!!! Sounds like you guys have been living it up in this great weather we're having. I love planting flowers too. . . I'm like an old lady.