Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trying to do it all and not freak out...

Do you ever feel that way? Sometimes I think I need to be medicated, and sometimes I know I just need to say NO. Isn't it funny that you can so no all day long to your kids, but when it comes to someone asking you to volunteer for this, or be on this committee, or coach this just can't get it to come out, instead comes a sure, or absolutely or I'm so glad you asked...hahaha! Now, don't get me wrong, there are many things I do love to volunteer to do and help with, it's just they often seem to happen all at once. Can you tell I'm a little overloaded at this moment? I guess it's really not that bad, it's only for the next 3 months. Peyton is cheering and I'm coaching her team on Tues and Thur nights. Then the games will begin after Labor Day weekend and those will be on Sat mornings. On Mon evenings I lead a Bible study at church and on Wed evenings we attend a LifeGroup at church. Once cheerleading is over we will get back to having more family time together. That's really what I miss the most. We try to make the most of what time we do have during the week. Jamie is so awesome, he cooks dinner for us during the week and gets homework done and out of the way before I even get home. I've decided next year I'm not coaching, that way we can take turns going to practices during the week. I feel bad Jamie does so much during the week at the house, but he truly doesn't mind and he is a good cook.

Speaking of my Bible study, I start a new session tomorrow night. I've been leading this group for over a year now and it's grown from 4 ladies to now 14! It's a weight loss Bible study called First Place 4 Health. It's so much fun and I really enjoy the ladies. The program just changed and this will be the first time I've taught the new food portion, so we will be learning together. I love the Bible study part of the program. The whole program is based on growing all 4 sides of us, soul/mind/body/strength and keeping Christ the center of it all. The funny part of all of it is, I started this up in our church thinking, if I lead this group then I will have to lose can't lead a group and not lose weight! Well God had something else in mind, he wanted to grow me spiritually first. It's not been til this last semester that I actually started to lose the weight. I lost 11 lbs. total in 13 weeks. It's been a learning experience!

Well that's all I've got to say right now. I've got to make sure the bonus room is ready for my cousin Michael to move in. He needs a little support so we are going to give it. Please be praying for all of us!



Tiffani said...

Well, it's certainly easy to do!! I was just thinking that earlier today when I was thinking about getting busier as the days go by...but just remember WHO to keep in charge of each and every day and hopefully it won't seem so much! I'm proud of your 11 pounds! You go girl!

Michele said...

Hey I'm a friend of Tiffani's so I thought I would "pop" over. I love your blog. Your girls are beautiful. I can DEFINITELY identify with you with trying to do it all and not freak out. My days begin at 4:00 a.m. and do not end until 10:00 p.m. Just like you we have something going on every night of the week. With 3 kids involved in soccer, ballet, and swimming we stay busy - plus church. I love it though. I really love the CRAZINESS of it all. Just like my hubby says, "These are the best years of our lives, having our kids involved in things and being right there to cheer them on." It is so sweet for your husband to cook. Congratulations on your 11 lbs. Keep it up!!!! Nice chatting with ya:)

Tiffani said...

alright, newbie, I'm ready to read a new post..."trying to do it all" is keeping you from blogging ;)!! Hope y'all are doing good!